Stink bug prevention and removal

Stink Bug Prevention and Removal


The stink bug problem is getting worse.  The stink bugs don’t seem to be going away at all!  There doesn’t seem to be any way to stop the stink bugs from entering our homes or to control the stink bugs that are already in our homes!  Is there anything we can do about the stink bugs?

Of course there is.  We can fight back!!

This site is dedicated to the War on Stink Bugs!  It is a weapon we can use to stop the Brown Marmorated Stink bug from taking over!

Here we will all share our stink bug knowledge, control tactics, battle stories and general stink bug information.

Together, we will overcome the stink bug invasion, take back our homes and our lives, and get rid of stink bugs once and for all!



The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug is scientifically known as Halyomorpha haly.   These little pests are native to China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan.  The sink bugs most probably made their way over to the United States by stowing away in shipping crates. Along with Molly Ringwald nd the Rubik’s Cube, the 1980’s also brought us the stink bug!  It was 1988 when the first specimen was collected in the United States, in Allentown, PA.

Stink Bugs are a menace to farmers and gardeners, causing serious damage to fruit and vegetable crops.  Stink bugs are suckling insects, which means that they use their proboscis, the long tube protruding from the head, to feed on fruits and vegetables.  When stink bugs invade your home, you may notice small dimpled areas on exposed fruits, vegetables and houseplants due to this feeding.

You may notice the increase in stink bug activity in your home during the winter months.  This is because they take refuge in your home in the fall to survive the winter, but then come out of their state of hibernation when your home heats up in the winter.

Stink bugs get into your home through the tiniest of openings.  A home that looks sealed to you may not look sealed to a stink bug!

Why do Stink Bugs Stink?

Why does a Zebra have stripes?  Stink bugs are able to release an odor when they feel threatened.  The odor comes from holes in the stink bugs’ abdomen.  The pungent odor can emitted when the bug is captured, or even when it is crushed.

Keep Stink Bugs Out Of Your Home!

Keep Stink Bugs Out Of Your Home!

Keep Stink Bugs Out! The best way to get rid of stink bugs in your house is to keep them out in the first place! There are many ways to keep stink bugs out of your home.  Sealing up all of the possible entrance ways for these little pests is going to be your best...

Natural Stink Bug Prevention and Control

Natural Stink Bug Prevention and Control

Natural Stink Bug Prevention and Control     The war on stink bugs has been waged, and with it comes a slew of weapons.  Unfortunately, not all of these weapons used to rid our homes and gardens of stink bugs are environmentally friendly.  How can we fight...

The Best Indoor Stink Bug Traps

The Best Indoor Stink Bug Traps

Indoor Stink Bug Traps The stink bugs are taking over my house!  Help! Well, if you’ve ever thought (or yelled!) this, you’re not alone.  The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug has become a major problem throughout North America.  These little pests invade our home through...

The Bonide Natural Stink Bug Trap

Attract and trap Stink Bugs naturally, while protecting your fruit and vegetable gardens.  All natural, non-toxic and odorless.

RESCUE! Non-Toxic Reusable Stink Bug Trap

Lure Stink Bugs into this trap within a 30-foot radius, with an easy disposal.

RESCUE! Non-Toxic Stink Bug Light

Use this special LED attachment with the RESCUE Stink Bug Trap to lure and capture Stink Bugs that are already in your home!

Stink Bugs in Autumn: Why Fall Means More Pests

Stink Bugs in Autumn: Why Fall Means More Stink Bugs, and What To Do About Them! Autumn brings the delights of changing leaves, jeans and sweaters, pumpkin spice lattes, and stink bugs. Wait... Stink Bugs? Yes, along with all of the lovely traditions and feelings of...

The Best Indoor Stink Bug Traps

Indoor Stink Bug Traps The stink bugs are taking over my house!  Help! Well, if you’ve ever thought (or yelled!) this, you’re not alone.  The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug has become a major problem throughout North America.  These little pests invade our home through...

Natural Stink Bug Prevention and Control

Natural Stink Bug Prevention and Control     The war on stink bugs has been waged, and with it comes a slew of weapons.  Unfortunately, not all of these weapons used to rid our homes and gardens of stink bugs are environmentally friendly.  How can we fight...

Do Venus Fly Traps Eat Stink Bugs?

Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs are at best a nuisance and at their worst a danger to plants and crops. In your home, there are many ways to get rid of stink bugs, including Venus Fly Traps. Learn more…

Stink Bugs in Winter: Warm fall means more pests!

Stink Bugs in the Winter: How weather affects stink bug populations This is not the place to debate the causes and solutions of climate change and global warming.  Save that for angry Facebook rants. Whether or not you believe in climate change, there is...

Best Methods to Get Rid of Stink Bugs!

How do I get rid of Stink Bugs?  They're Everywhere! In the kitchen, in the bathroom, in my soup, in my hair!  Stink bugs are out of control and seem to be taking over!  Help me get rid of stink bugs! Don't despair.  The humans are banding together to win the War on...

Stink Bugs In House? Get them out!

Stink Bugs in House? These annoying little critters can be a huge nuisance once they get in your house. What can you do about stink bugs in your house?  Where do you even begin?  Getting here is a start! How do Stink Bugs get in the house? Cracks and holes!  The best...

Video: 10 Best Ways to Get Rid of Stink Bugs

10 Best Ways to Get Rid of Stink Bugs In our efforts to win the War on Stink Bugs we are searching high and low for all of the available resources, weapons and information. This short video from Online Pest Control outlines 10 easy steps you can take to...

Keep Stink Bugs Out Of Your Home!

Keep Stink Bugs Out! The best way to get rid of stink bugs in your house is to keep them out in the first place! There are many ways to keep stink bugs out of your home.  Sealing up all of the possible entrance ways for these little pests is going to be your best...

Video: Fighting the Invasive Stinkbug

Fighting the Invasive Stinkbug: National Geographic The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug is an invasive species from Asia. Stink bugs feed and reproduce in the warmer months, destroying crops and gardens in the meantime.  When the temperatures drop the stink...

Stink Bugs ultima modifica: 2013-01-04T18:11:56+00:00 da Exterminator X