Stink bug smell – is it for real?

The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug gets it’s name from somewhere, but do stink bugs really smell?  While many ask the question “is stink bug smell real?” most are not pleased with the answer!

The answer, unfortunately is “Yes.”

Stink Bugs do stink!

Why do Stink Bugs smell?

Stink bugs produce an odor from their stink glands, located between the first and second pairs of legs, underneath the stink bug’s body.  The stink glands release the odor as a defense mechanism, just like skunks!  (As bad as stink bugs are, aren’t you glad you don’t have a skunk infestation in your house!?)

Since the odor is released as a defense mechanism, that means you will smell stink bugs when they feel threatened, when they are injured, or when they are handled.

Or when they are squished in a tissue.

This is the most common complaint about the stink bug odor – it is released when they are killed!

Can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em!


What do Stink Bugs smell like?

The chemicals secreted by the stink glands of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug are similar to ones used in many common food additives.  These chemicals are also found in cilantro, and cilantro is the odor most often associated with the stink bug smell.

Not too bad, right? Well, depends on who you ask!

Check around with your friends and family – there may not be an herb as polarizing as cilantro!  Simply put, you either love it or you hate it.  Chances are, those most affected by the stink bug smell fall into the latter category of hating cilantro.

I can’t smell Stink Bugs!

Lucky you!

It seems that some people just don’t seem to be able to smell stink bugs.  If you are in this category, count your blessings and don’t worry about why!

Get rid of the Stink Bug smell on your skin

The stink bug smell may be difficult to removeOne of the most common issues with the stink bug odor is that it can get onto your skin.

Crushing these little pests in a tissue or napkin is one of the easiest ways to immediately dispose of them, however that most surely will cause the stink bug to release it’s stink.

Even when using a napkin, the stink bug smell can still permeate and get onto your fingers or hands.

Washing with soap and water does not always remove the stink bug smell from your skin.  So what should you do?

There are many online forums with shared home remedy options for removing the stink bug odor from your skin.  The most common solutions involve some sort of acidity, usually lemon juice or vinegar.  Lemon-scented soap has been known to be effective, as has toothpaste!  Results seem to vary, so we recommend trying a variety of these solutions to see what works for you.

Get rid of the Stink Bug smell on clothing

Yup, the stink bug smell can get into your clothes as well!  The little pests spray their defensive odor, and if you are what it is defending itself from, there’s a good chance you’ll end up getting hit!

The good news is that this is a simple problem with a simple solution – wash your clothes!  No fancy tricks or solutions needed – just a regular washing should get the stink bug smell out of your clothes.

As for furniture or other fabric items, it is recommended to use whatever type of cleanser you normally would for the material, and that should remove the stink.

The bottom line on Stink Bug smell:

While the stink bug odor is very annoying at offensive to some, is not dangerous.

Of course, it does mean you have stink bugs, and that’s something you’ll need to deal with!

Luckily for you, War on Stink Bugs is here to help!  The Humans will prevail!


Learn how to fight Stink Bugs in your home!

Learn how to keep Stink Bugs out of your home!

The Bonide Natural Stink Bug Trap

Attract and trap Stink Bugs naturally, while protecting your fruit and vegetable gardens.  All natural, non-toxic and odorless.

RESCUE! Non-Toxic Reusable Stink Bug Trap

Lure Stink Bugs into this trap within a 30-foot radius, with an easy disposal.

RESCUE! Non-Toxic Stink Bug Light

Use this special LED attachment with the RESCUE Stink Bug Trap to lure and capture Stink Bugs that are already in your home!

Stink Bug Smell: What’s the deal? ultima modifica: 2017-09-14T22:42:41+00:00 da Exterminator X