Stink Bugs in the Winter: How weather affects stink bug populations
This is not the place to debate the causes and solutions of climate change and global warming. Save that for angry Facebook rants.
Whether or not you believe in climate change, there is no denying that many parts of the country have experienced a much warmer than usual Autumn.
Warmer Weather = More Stink Bugs!
Stink bugs spend the summer months eating and mating and reproducing and eating and mating and reproducing and so on and so on…
As the weather turns colder, the stink bugs then prepare to hibernate. This is where you and your home come in!
Guess where the stink bugs choose to hunker down and spend their winter?
Yup, like Canadians and North Easterners heading to Florida, Stink Bugs pack up their things and find themselves a nice little time share right in tour attic!
Learn how to keep Stink Bugs out of your home here!
As if these little invaders don’t already have a large enough army, a warmer autumn provides more time for them to increase their forces.
When the weather is warmer for a longer time, there is more time for eating and mating and reproducing. Meaning there will be even more stink bugs looking for time shares in your attic once the temperatures finally do drop. Meaning there will be an even larger army of stink bugs in your house!
Fight stink bugs in your home!
Regardless of your thoughts on climate change, I think we can all agree that we don’t need more stink bugs!
Warm weather solutions for stink bugs
An ounce of prevention is worth many pounds of dead stink bugs!
With the warmer fall temperatures that lead to increased numbers of stink bugs, there are also more openings from which they can attack your home.
Think about it – warm fall temps mean more kids coming in and out, more gatherings on the porch, and doors and windows left open.
Especially once the mosquito and fly populations start to fade, we may get a little lax in protecting our home. On the contrary, Autumn is the time to strengthen those defenses and secure your home!
You can read here about the best methods of defending your home from stink bugs.
Here is one weapon that we found extremely effective in the War on Stink Bugs:
It seems incredibly simple, but it works.
Stink bugs come into the house when we forget to close the door behind us. This product fixes that problem by closing it for us!
In that split second it takes to remind the kids to come back and close the door, several invaders may have already snuck in. When your hands are full with the burgers from the grill and you leave the door open for a second, an army has already invaded!
We have found that the Magnetic Screen Door solves that issue.
This product definitely gets the War on Stink Bugs seal of approval as one of the best weapons available in our battle against stink bugs!
Order Magnetic Screen Door on Amazon!
The Bonide Natural Stink Bug Trap
Attract and trap Stink Bugs naturally, while protecting your fruit and vegetable gardens. All natural, non-toxic and odorless.
RESCUE! Non-Toxic Reusable Stink Bug Trap
Lure Stink Bugs into this trap within a 30-foot radius, with an easy disposal.
RESCUE! Non-Toxic Stink Bug Light
Use this special LED attachment with the RESCUE Stink Bug Trap to lure and capture Stink Bugs that are already in your home!